Style Guide and Look & Feel
While at 2K Games, one of the projects I was able to work on was developing the look and feel of the marketing for 2K's first family game, LEGO 2K Drive. It needed to be fun and humorous, dynamic, colorful, and fit within the LEGO brand rules.  
I created various backgrounds, road motifs, and road signs for use as buttons, text boxes and other design elements.
Process Images
I did several explorations and mockups of some directions we could go in for the look and feel of the marketing, which were presented at a meeting with LEGO. All stakeholders were agreed on going with the "Life is a Highway" direction. They loved the idea of a "roadtrip" theme.
As the game and key art developed, so did the toolkit direction. While we still kept the concept of "roadtrip" and incorporated the road signs idea, I ended up working closely with the 2K Capture Team to create assets that looked closer to what was in-game. I did paintover on all of the capture assets to match the lighting of the key art. 
Game Box Packaging
I also designed the back of box artwork for LEGO 2K Drive, which was used on all editions of the game for all platforms. I composited game capture images and added paintover, used in conjunction with my toolkit elements.
Vehicle Wraps
In addition to the above projects, one unique project I was able to work on for this title was wrappers for a fleet of vehicles that drove around New York City to advertise the game at launch. 
I worked closely with the Firefly Vehicle Advertisement company to create fun and eye-catching designs that would work on their vehicles and advertise the LEGO 2K Drive brand. I used a combination of illustration, 3D assets, and elements from our key art and in-game models to create 5 printed vehicle wraps. Two of the designs were composited and resized/ painted over versions of two of the in-game cars. 
Awesome News Network Logo
I was also tasked with coming up with branding for a social media marketing campaign on Tiktok and Instagram known as The Awesome News Network. I designed the logo for the network, which was later animated into an intro and used in the social media videos.
Below are the final logo, and a few of the exploration pages.

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